10 Things To Do In Kodiak AK In April 2024

Celebrate the return of the gray whales at the Kodiak Whale Fest

This annual event takes place in late April and features lectures, music, art.

Go bear watching

Kodiak is home to the largest concentration of brown bears in the world, and April is a great time to see them emerge from hibernation. Be sure to book your tour with a reputable company.

Hike through the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge

The refuge is home to stunning scenery, mountains, glaciers, and abundant wildlife. There are trails for all levels of experience.

Visit the Baranov Museum

 Visit the Baranov Museum, which houses a collection of artifacts related to the history and culture of Kodiak Island. You'll learn about the Alutiiq people.

Go fishing

April is a great time to catch halibut and other bottomfish. You can also fish for salmon in the rivers, although the runs don't start in earnest until May.

Take a day trip to Chiniak Bay

This beautiful bay is home to a variety of wildlife, including sea otters, harbor seals, and bald eagles. You can also visit the Alutiiq village of Chiniak.

Go kayaking

Kayaking is a great way to explore the coastline of Kodiak Island and get up close to the wildlife. Be sure to dress in warm clothes  bring a life jacket,  water can be cold even in April.

Explore Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park

This park is located on a bluff overlooking Kodiak Harbor and offers stunning views of the city and the surrounding mountains.

 Kodiak's native culture at the Alutiiq Museum and Archeological Park

The museum has a collection of artifacts that tell the story of the Alutiiq people, who have lived on Kodiak Island for thousands of years.

Sample the local seafood

Kodiak is a seafood lover's paradise. Be sure to try some of the fresh-caught fish, crab, and shrimp. There are also a number of restaurants that serve traditional Alutiiq cuisine.