10 Essential Motorbike Laws Every Rider Must Know

Have a valid motorcycle license and ensure your bike is registered, as required by law.

1. Helmet Law

Lane splitting is legal in some states, but prohibited in others. Check your state laws.

3. Lane Splitting

4. Headlights and Taillights

Ensure your headlights and taillights are functional, even during the day, to be visible to other drivers.

5. Speed Limits

Adhere to posted speed limits and adjust your speed for road conditions and traffic.

6. Hand Signals

Use appropriate hand signals to indicate your intentions to other drivers, especially when turning.

Always have a valid driver's license and proof of insurance when riding your motorcycle.

7. Driver's License

It's illegal and dangerous to ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Ride responsibly.

8. Riding Under the Influence

When passing, ensure you have enough space and visibility. Pass on the left, except when directed otherwise.

9. Passing

Regular maintenance of your motorcycle, including tires, brakes, and lights, is crucial for safe riding.

10. Maintain Your Motorcycle